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When to rebrand your company

Appearances matter in business and your brand is the way people see your company.  From the first glance of your logo people will instantly know if you are friendly, upper class, budget, fashionable or traditional.

Your audience will make a snap decision and judge your brand against their beliefs, how they perceive themselves, their needs or even how they want to be seen.

Your brand needs to be consistently in line with your target audience, fashion and taste. Most importantly if your target audience has changed, your brand needs to be able to change, quickly!

Really, it’s not a question of “should I rebrand my company” but “when is the best time to rebrand my company.”

Do it before you get big!

The bigger you are, the harder it is to change your brand.  Logistically it costs more changing all your stationary, website, shop-fitting and more when you are bigger.

It’s much better to get it done before your next big step. When you are planning your next big push? Do it then.

Stand out from the crowd

A good brand is one of the things that can separate you from your competitors.  Something visually catchy can turn heads, make your company memorable and add real value.  Great examples of companies that stand out are:

All of these are against the industries conventions and benefit from having an individual identity.

If your brand is having a negative effect on your business

Bad branding is toxic for your business and clients.  It will put off potential customers.

Snap decisions will be made, and if the impact is negative the customer will move on.  Take a look at your brand and see where you are in conjunction to your competitors.  If you are not standing out or if you look shabby in comparison, it’s time for a rebrand!

Fashion changes

If you had your branding done in the 90s you can pretty much guarantee your brand will look old.

Make sure, especially if you are in any kind of lifestyle industry that you are on trend! There is nothing worse than looking like the last big thing.

When your brand doesn’t represent you

Regardless of how good your brand is, if it doesn’t represent your company you need to look for a rebrand.

Make sure you correctly aim at your target market, if you look low end, people will expect to spend less!  Conversely, if you look high end but then are offering budget goods, you will put the client off before they even come through the door!


If you’re reading this article, wondering if you need a new brand then you most likely need to do at least a review.  Ask your customers what they think of your brand, take a look at your competitors and hammer down exactly who you want to appeal to.

It’s a definite case that it’s better to do it sooner rather than later. Stand out from the crowd!  Get in touch your local web design studio, they will be more than happy to help!

Looking for name inspiration? Check out our list of cool brand names, or our full process on how to come up a business name.